Welcome to Painted Rock!


welcome to Painted Rock
Who am I and
what am I up to?

I have power tools
and I love to use them

When a mower is
not just a mower

What inspires me
Connecting with
others for better understanding

who am I and what am I up to?








Field design 1 flyer
Field design 2 card

[Feel free to download these shareables and read
more about the motivation behind each motif.]

take one box


Field designs
Little pieces


unused cistern = water harvesting
From an image I took with my camera phone, I deconstructed this landscape shot looking south across the property. I then took each square and painted it larger using minimal brush strokes so I wouldn't over think it and avoid my normal drive to capture all detail.


So, I mowed a design into my field. A couple of neighbors were brave enough to ask me about it. There had been talk amongst the others. They're too polite to inquire directly. That's okay. The conversation had started, albeit, small.

I like my neighbors. Their friendly, but we all maintain our space. It makes the random meetings all the more rich.

For a while, the box contained collateral material that explained what I was up to and what inspired the work. It included a link to my website and a blog. I had hoped folks would participate. I fear my neighbors were either too polite or not connected to the subject of sustainability.


In order to better understand my space and to focus more on the smaller details I find, I've started a series of motifs. These were originally created to be optional field designs but evolved into studies of the flora and fauna of my "island."

chickeree daylily motifredbudmilkweed motifdaylily circlepokeweed motif
chickorymousetail poison ivy


starting a conversation
begins with a box of thoughts...

Powertools with purpose
With a new mission and a means
to do it, I tackle some projects...

Poeple I've met
There are those who've traveled
a similar path and have a lot to share...

My own manifesto
In a life that encourages selfishness and excess, I seek satisfaction in less.
Not less quality, just less quantity. I seek enough.

I also seek increased quality. I take this moment to step back from the fast-paced mainstream and evaluate that flow, how it affects me and where it's taking me. Does it offer paths that lead me to where I want to go? Do I surround myself with elements that support where I want to go?

read more

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